

ELSTREE 1976 explores the lives of the actors and extras behind one of the most celebrated franchises in cinematic history, Star Wars, which spans from George Lucas’ original A NEW HOPE to J.J. Abrams’ recent record-breaking blockbuster THE FORCE AWAKENS. From the man behind the film’s most iconic villain, to the actor whose character was completely cut from the final film, the documentary delves into the eccentric community these individuals have formed and how the Star Wars franchise continues to impact their lives decades later.


What We Thought:

Elstree 1976 is a perfect film for The Nerds Templar. For one, we are nerds who grew up with the Original Trilogy and are total Star Wars geeks.

Two, we’re also actors who have done background work on studio films and love seeing stories about filmmaking and acting. Hearing behind the scenes stuff is always fun especially when you have your own stories as well.

The film is a look behind the masks of Star Wars characters. Some are big characters like Darth Vader and Boba Fett. Some are middle grade like Biggs Darklighter. Others were just extras or featured background.

I like that they got two actors who played two unique Stormtroopers. One guy insists he was the Stormtrooper that bumped his head while walking on the Death Star. The other is the Sandtrooper that Obi-Wan waved his hand and pulled the classic Jedi mind trick on and said “These are not the droids you’re looking for”. If you’re going to be Stormtrooper among hundreds, being one of those ones is super cool in my book.

The film also gets into the hierarchy of actors. Guys who were higher up on the ladder thought the actors below them weren’t important and didn’t think they should be doing the convention rounds. One actor in the documentary was just an X-wing pilot who was seen in a group. He never flies and does not speak so the others in the film don’t think he should be signing autographs. Actors and their egos, am I right?

I also like that David Prowse gets to tell his side of the story in this. For non-Star Wars nerds, you might not realize that Prowse IS Darth Vader. Everyone thinks of James Earl Jones and his voice, but it’s Prowse in the suit doing all the acting. Prowse and George Lucas have butted heads for decades and Prowse isn’t allowed to participate in some Star Wars events because of that.

Needless to say Elstree 1976 was a completely enjoyable watch for me. Even if it wasn’t about one of my favorite film franchises of all time, I still would have enjoyed hearing the actors’ take on filming and what became of them afterwards. It’s a must see for any Star Wars fan and if you want to take a peek behind the curtain that is the beloved franchise, then this is…


Bonus Features:

  • None

Cast & Crew:

  • David Prowse
  • Jeremy Bullock

Recommended If You Like:

  • Star Wars
  • Behind the Scenes Making Of Type Films
  • Documentaries

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